NAVIGATE/ENGAGE Expert Workshop 20-22 September 2021
Simon Buckle (OECD, France)
Using the well-being framework from the OECD, Simon Buckle presented work on identifying synergies and tradeoffs for the SDGs by highlighting importance of coherent policy approaches to SDGs, based on analysis of national strategies. They found that land use governance is generally fragmented, while it is essential for reaching SDG targets to have institutional coordination. For example, while nitrogen flows are often addressed; to date they mainly focus on a singular impact or sector and not integrated into a broader framework. New nitrogen interventions have included integrating agriculture, industry, transport, and wastewater. The findings highlight the importance of holistic policies, regulatory requirements, technical capacity, and finance mechanisms related to Nature Based Solutions (NBS) to fully exploiting their potential. A useful resource in this context is the OECD database on “Policy Instruments for the Environment (PINE)” that gathers detailed information on policy instruments relevant for environmental protection and natural resource management.
Simon Buckle is the Head of Division, Environment, Transitions, & Resilience at the OECD where he provides strategic research leadership to a team of 50 professional economics and analysts to develop research and policy analysis on climate change, biodiversity, water, and sustainable finance.