Dividing the carbon cake
This interactive visualization tool, depicting effort-sharing, demonstrates the allocation rules and regional emissions to stay below 2°C. Maintained by partners at CMCC, the tool can be accessed here.
The work was developed based on van den Berg NJ, van Soest HL, Hof AF, den Elzen MGJ, van Vuuren DP, Chen W, Drouet L, Emmerling J, Fujimoru S, Hohne N, Koberle A, McCollum D, Schaeffer R, Sheckhar S, Vishwanathen SS, Vrontisi Z, Blok K. Implications of various effort-sharing approaches for national carbon budgets and emission pathways, Climatic Change. doi: 10.1007/s10584-019-02368-y. Source data are available in the supplementary material.