ENGAGE‐AIM capacity building Workshop 2020: AIM model training course for national scenario assessments

An ENGAGE capacity building workshop for researchers from Asian ENGAGE partner institutes was held 7-11 January 2020 at Kyoto University in Japan. ENGAGE partners from Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia, Korea and Japan attended the workshop, as well as other collaborators from the AIM modeling group. ENGAGE participants primarily represented the project’s Work Package 4, which focuses on national mid-century strategies. The workshop provided training on how to use the AIM model, how to generate the IAMC data template, and how to reflect national policy information into the AIM, ensuring that ENGAGE project’s Asian partners will be able to contribute their national climate mitigation scenarios to the IPCC Sixth Assessment Report (AR6) database.
Key discussions during the workshop included exchange of national policy informatio, as well as key elements of national scenario generation and how to effectively deliver scenario results. Specific sessions were also decided to using the model. All participants presented their own national scenarios and discussed future areas of research.