Stakeholder Workshop Asian Decarbonisation Pathways September 16-17, 2021
The partners of the ENGAGE project held an Asian Stakeholder Workshop on Thursday, September 16, 2021 and Friday, September 17, 2021 wherein the partners presented new research results while collecting fruitful inputs from the 83 stakeholders, hailing from different parts of East, South, and Southeast Asia, on the feasibility and equity of national decarbonization targets.
The Stakeholder Workshop materials can be found here on the ENGAGE website. The page includes the presentations given by the expert partners as well as recordings from the workshop, links to feasibility models, and supplementary reading.

Workshop materials
Please click here for the final workshop agenda.
September 16, 2021 Sessions 1 & 2 presentations
“What do we mean by net-zero?”
Joeri Rogelj (IIASA, Austria and Imperial College, London)
Supplementary, recommended reading: A framework for national scenarios with varying emission reductions (Shinichiro F et al. 2021).
“Results from European modeling on carbon neutrality”
Alessia de Vita (E3M, Greece)
“ENGAGE online tool to assess multidimensional feasibility of decarbonization pathways”
Elina Brutschin (IIASA, Austria)
Supplementary recommended reading: A multidimensional feasibility evaluation of low-carbon scenarios (Brutschin E et al 2021).
For the visualization tool click here.
September 17, 2021 Sessions 3 & 4
“Feasibility of national decarbonization scenarios and targets in light of historic experience”
Aleh Cherp (Central European University, Austria)
Supplementary, recommended reading:
- National growth dynamics of wind and solar power compared to the growth required for global climate targets (Cherp A et al. 2021).
- On the political feasibility of climate change mitigation pathways: Is it too late to keep warming below 1.5oC? (Jewell J and Cherp A 2019).
For the accompanying, interactive visualization tool on the growth models and speed of deployment of wind and solar in countries around the world, click here.
“Equity principles-how do we share the challenges of decarbonization in a fair way?”
Zoi Vrontisi (E3M, Greece)
“Explanation of visualization tool and accompanying graphs”
Heleen van Soest (PBL, Netherlands)
Click here for the visualization tool.
Other supplementary reading material